Monday, May 9, 2016

Thirty Seventh Weekend

This weekend we had friends from Finland to visit! Heli came along with her almost-2-year-old daughter, Helmi. Helmi and Svea were the best of friends, as long as they were a few feet apart. We brought out the "spare" purple dolly thinking that each girl could play with one, but alas, they both wanted both. No other doll was interesting unless the other girl was playing with it. But Svea kept talking about Helmi, wanting to know where she was, wanting to play with her. So they were the best of friends in the way only two year olds know how to be.

They brought some of their own jarred food for Helmi to eat in addition to the meals in case they weren't quite what she was used to. This particular jar is reindeer and potatoes. Mmm.

 It was colder than we anticipated, but we still decided to take the kids to the Friskole to play at the playground. They had a great time!

 Jeff wanted to make sure he got a picture next to the tee-pee that he helped to build during the fall family work day.
 Helmi and Svea were equally intrigued by the tall wooden houses, and played in all of them.

 We thought this was a sandbox...then discovered tiny strawberry plants. Oops!
 The wheel to nowhere...
 Torben enjoyed that he could pretty much disappear inside the well of this tire.

 Horsey riding!

 Jeff rocking both little girls.
 Dinner was quickly forgotten when the lawn outside looked like this! Glad we let them play in it, because by the time dinner was over it was gone. It is late April afterall!

 Svea and Helmi walking as together as they could.
 Yes! A puddle to stop in! Helmi was a bit sad she had regular shoes on and couldn't jump in it as well. So we moved Svea inside too.

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